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Thursday, July 21, 2011

You complete us...

So the husband is now back onto day shift, and we are currently enjoying his Sunday..everyone is sleeping..but this Momma. Coffee and a little quiet time was calling, plus a warm shower and a pacing dog looking at me saying where the heck is my breakfast, seems to be the motivation in getting your body out of your nice warm bed. However it also seems that as I travel down the road with this Mommas lifestyle I have learned how to become more of a morning person, and I actually enjoy it. AFTER all thee above has happen.*giggle*

The house seems more at peace with the husband being home in the evenings. The ladies seem happier, the fur child is hanging out with us more instead of pouting he is not loved and trying to beg for food from people that live near us... We go on family walks and have family time on the couch in the evenings after we bath and jammie clad our ladies. However with all this loveliness going on, yesterday I had a melt down. Seems to happen about once a month or when things majorly change around me...there where tears, sobs, clenched fists and even long qiuet pauses..eventually my husband got me to talk it out, he has learned over the years (while rubbing his face and head while I'm talking) that if I get it out, it all out, I will then answer some of my own questions and be more at peace again with all the mambo jumbo going on in my head.

I also had the holy crap moment of realizing that although I have been trying to give myself little opportunities during the day to do things for me (painting, cooking, shower) I wasn't really doing something to relieve stress and let out daily frustration. Because you do have it with parenting, we all know this, plus for my situation I was juggling house, kids, dog, everything on my own during a good portion of the day and over night. I have so much more respect for single parents.

Now what happens when you leave things alone, not deal with them, and in my case keep yourself busy so that the days just get done and then your better half is back on a boils over.....eventually. And as it boiled over yet again, and my husband began his chant of it will be OK, we will get through this stage, we are OK, they are OK, you are hits me like many times before, yes we are OK, this momma just needs to take a moment to get out of her office (the house)on her own, face the frustrations of the day, deal and let them go.

Thank you to my husband yet again, for sitting down, rubbing your face and head while chanting the words that eventually sink into my mind yet again as the reminder I need that everything will be OK.

Ahh, Mommahood.

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