Now maybe its because I was able to get a solid 6-7 hours of sleep (thank you amazing husband, I knew I married you for a reason) or possibly its because I am having fabulous chocolate chip cookies with my coffee this morning...but I have been amazed twice this week in how Mommas come together when one of us needs the support.
I belong to a insanely addicting online mom group...I'm online as much as possible while dealing with daily duties of keeping up a house, husband, fur child, and oh yeah raising the twin ladies who are currently 7 months old. The online group is so addicting, there are times I wish I could do no more then stay online with them all day/night. So as a compromise, I have the laptop on all day with the group page open, and when I walk by it, I check, post, comment, read, cry, shake my head, smile, but mostly laugh out loud. I have become so close to these women, I find myself to be more honest and open with them than I have with some of my friends I see in person.
I'm also lucky to have found via a friend who lives on the east coast, a momma group that has members of mommas from all over my area and or who have lived in the area. I got a crazy idea one night that I wanted to send out an email to the group asking if any of them would want to meet on a weekly basis and start walking with the goal to eventually jog...now I have had that idea in my head for a good month, and it was just sitting there looking at me, saying get off your lazy scared ass and post me, you will never know what will happen if you don't try. Soooo I did, and I was extremely nervous afterwards to the point of wanting to hid in the closet with clothes on my head so no one would see me...however my children didn't understand why their Momma was looking at the closet with new interest...
I received about 6-8 emails back so far from fellow Mommas in the area. All agreeing with me that we should get together to push and support one another in improving our health. So now I have the task of picking our first day to meet and where....I'm still in awe at the excitement they all have. Mommas on the Move is born :)
These two recent examples of Mommas uniting have made me love even more the sisterhood I have become apart of and this title of Momma I now own...
ahh Mommahood.