Once again one of our little ladies decided that from 1am on she wasn't comfortable with the idea of sleeping. She tossed, turned and whined to the point that my very tired husband was pleading with her at 415 this morning to just go to sleep. Needless to say I got up at 5 and with a little Momma Magic (aka rubbing of head, blankie in right spot) she went to sleep. However the jury is still out to how long, she woke again at 615, due to our smoker detector. Thank you smoke detector for deciding to tell me our battery is low this morning....
Not only did you wake one of my sleeping children, but you scared the crap out of my fur child to the point of him still hiding in the bathroom, again thank you. At any rate with a quick binkie fix and a yanking of said smoke detector, all is currently quiet. I'm now waiting for my other little lady or Twin B to wake up and be ready to roll because its going to be one of those days..
Which leads me to wonder is my little one waking due to teething? or just to toy with us??? Because she is quite happy during the day, no fuss unless hungry,has a dirty diaper or her twin has whacked her one to many times. I stick my finger in her mouth and feel around, nothing. I look when she is in the mood to let me, and again I see nothing. However I'm trying to remind myself that maybe this is not going to be a nightly thing, and if it is for a while then I should be glad that it isn't both little ladies right? Or should I want them both to go down this teething road together and we can all bond as a family in the wee hours of the morning...
All I know is if this is what is going to be known in our house as the ladies teething, I would like to kick the teething monster in the balls and tell off the tooth fairy. Because I think they are working together.
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