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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

potato, potatoe, pillow???

My ladies def have a mind of their own and this morning was no different. My wonderful husband had gone down to their room last night to see about fixing something before they went to bed and left behind a couple new objects. Now I personally didnt seem the excitment in these new objects I mean there was just a couple of pillows now on their floor that were once on the hall bench. But the ladies this morning were head over heels for these pillows. So much so that they hauled them up the flight of stairs to the livingroom and walked around the house before breakfast carrying them. They were thrilled to have found these new treasures :)
Ahh, Mommahood.

Monday, July 16, 2012

When are you really you? Im finding on this motherhood journey that there are moments when I feel like my true self. You know the person that you talked to for hours in your head or out loud alone for years....the one that has been with you your whole life....yep the YOU. Times I feel like true me... when I am outside in the mornings, watering my flowers while my twin daughters are playing. when Im showing them a flower for the first time or pointing out birds that fly overhead. before everyone in my house wakes in the morning and all I hear is the hummm of the baby monitor, the coffee machine coming to life and the sigh of a puppy waiting for his morning breakfast. during naptime when I get a free kiddo moment to workout and feel the sweat of effort. when Im painting or sewing a new craft. when I put on a pretty skirt. when my husband says I love you and I didnt have to ask or say it first.... when are you really you?
Ahh, Mommahood.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Who am I now?

My last post was back in Feb. and I talked about changes...okay, I mentioned changes quickly. I dont think I was really ready or fully prepared for what that meant. I dont think anyone ever really is. Do you have to hit rock bottom to realize its time to look at your life and the choices your making? Is there a lightbulb that just goes off? I dont know, for me it was a shove fromm myself and family. I looked at my children and thought what kind of example are you being? you can only change yourself, so focus on you and your choices, stop worry about this or that. Make time for you, put you first at least part of the time. So that is what Im trying to do. Whoa is it hard.
Ahh, Mommahood.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Feeling an itch...just not sure where to scratch...ever feel like that?
its almost like not an itch at all but more of a tap on the shoulder, love pat on the hinny...all saying "hey you need to deal with this"

Maybe Im waiting for the love pat to turn into a swift kick?

Ahh, Mommahood.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

If you did "everything"...

My husband is working nights this past month and we have yet another month to go. With him being gone overnight, makes me become super momma to the twins and furchild.

Some nights are better then others, just like trying to get twin 13 month olds to eat the chicken and not poke it to death or chuck it..some meals go better then others. Current lesson learned, adult fork is magic, they eat if fed by it!

So needless to say last night wasnt the morning began with walking upstairs to find my husband and asking why he didnt come down an hour and a half ago like he said he would so I could maybe get two hours of sleep before he past out from working over night. I got well I didnt hear anything...
umm that is because we have a twin in our bed
-I thought you were asleep.
ummm, you said you would come get her at 4, so I COULD SLEEP
-well then go back to bed
ummm, they will be up soon and I need a sanity break i.e. shower, coffee and vent time.
-geez do I always have to do everything!
ummm, Im taking a shower and your going to our bed and dosing.

now what I wanted to say but know it will never make sence to thee husband.

if you did everything...

our house would be taken over by dust bunnies and dog fur.
you would still be living off of hot pockets, cans of soup and essures.
your undies would be falling apart, and or standing on their own due to dirt
you would never have coffee, milk, or anything in the fridge
our dog would never listen to you, chew everything, pee everywhere and run like a mad dog ALL the TIME
your children wouldnt be clean, dry, fed.
you wouldnt know where your keys were half the time

choosing my battles, Im choosing my battles...

I could keep going, but when it comes down to it, I love him dearly. I do darn it. Lack of sleep is a bitch, and it eats at you till your a nub.

I believe I will be enforcing the Mom needs a nap today however.

Happy Weekend (for us anyways).

Ahh, Mommahood.