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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Our Sundays...

So currently our Sundays here on the homestead would be everyone else's Thursday...So if your reading this and going Sunday what?!? Keep that in mind.

Nothing beats Sunday mornings, everyone is sleeping but me (shocking) and I get to enjoy a few quiet moments with the sun coming up and beginning to shine across the water, a nice hot cup of coffee, our fur child sleeping under the table and oh yea these awesome chocolate covered graham crackers HEHEHE....

I was reading a handful of my favorite blogs when one talked about Nuggets..see here:

Every Wednesday evening, yes your Wednesday, she posts a week long detail of what she is thankful for along with pictures. The pictures make me drool with want. I want to take pictures, and I do, but nothing that awesome and of course I have no way of getting the ones I do take off the camera onto the laptop yet unless you use my IPhone and well no.

Sooo I'm thinking I'm going to give it a shot...thankful moments from our week.

1. The ladies are babbling, and some days when its just the three of us plus fur child and they are babbling up a storm...there is a moment where you almost can imagine them talking to each other. And maybe they are, because I'm normally doing dishes when they do this...but I will look over at them, and there they sit or jump, Mamamamama-ing, Bbabababab-ing. Gagagag-ing, Dadadad-ing, Ohhhhhhhh, etc to their Sophies and hope hope hope to each other.

2. Violet rolls! well sorta. She began this week to finally roll from front to back. And I think yesterday if I would of let her she would of then rolled back to front. But she ran into me on the bed and her sister...she gets the biggest eyes when she does this...its almost like Holy crap what did I just do????

3. Kyndel stands!...with a little help..yes another shocking statement, our thrill seeker loves to stand. And I think its the sweetest thing, she waits every morning in her crib playing nicely while I dress her sister. then I will come over and get her...arms raise and I stand her up, she grabs the rail and looks over....I let go and she will stand and giggle up a storm...and I think she would stand there a good while if I let her...a few times though, the thrill seeker in her will let go, then she will fall back to sitting, then fall back to laying...and LAUGH. crazy kid.

4. The fur child seems to love floor time. He will be out discovering what ever he thinks is cool in the backyard, and when I get the ladies all set up in the playroom on the floor. you can hear him rounding the corner of the front deck and in he comes. He then quickly lays down next to their area...and we practice the PAT not grab and pull....They love it and giggle giggle giggle...and he stretches out and I know enjoys the attention.

5. The husband fixed the water heater again! woot woot! So we have hot showers again...for the moment. And I now have to listen for a while, to him chant he is wonderful, you are married to a wonderful husband....yep.
I guess I will agree, of course I cannot tell him that :)

So there, my five thankful nuggets for the week.... What are yours??

Be an example...of good deeds of every kind. Let everything you do reflect your love of the truth.
~Titus 2:7TLB

Ahh, Mommahood.

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