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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Naptime Hostage...

As I type this, I'm a hostage of nap time. You see months ago I incorporated a nap time with the ladies. Its great because everyday we have downtime for a max of two hours. The three of us curl up on the guest bed and they snooze while I check the net, or sometimes snooze with them. As they've gotten older however, my snoozing has decreased a bit due to them beginning to roll. Don't get me wrong its SO cute to see them rolling on the bed and playing with each other and me. BUT when they finally fade into sleep land, I have a hard time anymore snoozing myself, or anything else that would take me out of the room.

I know, I know, I should take advantage of this down time, and I do, really I do. Me being me though I have a list of at least ten things in my head of what I should be doing while they are asleep and me rest time is very low on the list. I hear you veteran Mommas, I know PUT THEM IN THEIR CRIBS. I got it. For some reason I haven't been able too. Maybe I'm a sucker for a snuggle, maybe I know this time is limited, I just haven't been able to bring myself to conquer the hurdle...

I should, I got it. I admit the newbie mistake. Sooo the headstrong Momma that I am has given myself a goal, they will be napping in their own cribs by the end of the month. YUP. Please hold me to it :)

Ahh, Mommahood.

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