So last night was one of the nights during the week that the ladies, fur child and I are alone till the wee hours of the me there are many these in the coming month.. and with being the only one in the house that can talk and hold a conversation during these evenings (the fur child tries, but he only gets key words and then is all distracted) I challenge myself with the ladies to keep our evenings moving. Because you all know the age old myth that if you keep the baby up longer they will then sleep longer...hahahah
Well my newest challenge is to give them a bath every night around 8. It takes an hour to set up, bath both ladies and to clean up. For the most part the ladies enjoy the process, and do not fuss to much. Actually both are quite happy sitting in the sink being washed up and splashing the water. But its the other lady that has to wait her turn that sometimes has the issue. Enter the Rock star Momma.
With music playing in the background, one little lady in the sink hair full of soap and this Momma scrubbing away, my other little lady decides she has had enough of just sitting and watching, and the whine cry begins. Now if I could I would wash them both, but they are still at the stage were at any moment the whole I'm sitting! will turn into I'm falling over!! so I do one at a time.
So the whine cry starts and as any Momma knows, its a matter of minutes if not seconds before it turns into something like a red face mess. What is a Momma to do with one kiddo in the sink and the other at arms reach???? SING, sing LOUD. who cares if you don't know the words, they will not know them either. But keep singing Momma.
Both my little ladies stopped what they were doing and stared...prob. wondering who this nut case that keeps saying I'm your Momma is.....but I sung loud and to my hearts content to the point that even the fur child had to leave the room....mental note, bath time tonight, pick background music you know, makes singing the songs A LOT easier.
ahh Mommahood.
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