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Friday, June 24, 2011

The Power of Silence, oh and coffee too.

Every morning I try and get up before everyone else and get a shower, feed the dog and have breakfast. If I'm lucky I also get to hop on the net catching up on my favorite and inspiring blogs, checking in with a group on facebook, or searching for a gizmo I must have, while sipping a cup of coffee and the dog snoozing near by...and besides his lite snores, and the gentle hum of the baby monitor, its quiet. I can feel my mind relax and I can give myself a hug, telling myself it will be OK, its a new day and you will figure things out...they will not explode, hate you (yet), and at worse they may cry a bit more, but your doing the best that you can with the marbles you were left from being pregnant.

At night I set an alarm and wake up right before it goes off (almost always)..and I wait a minute or two, any sounds??? is the coast clear? can I make it to the shower??? Then I will wake the husband enough for him to say what he always says "go take your shower, I will listen." Now I still have no idea how he "listens" because there are countless times I come out of the bathroom and he is snoring...but I don't ask, and its because I'm freed to take a quick shower and that is one step closer to getting upstairs and have my time.

Now I know that this quiet time is limited, could be seconds now and the first whine is going to happen, or better yet the dog will turn into psycho puppy and begin running around waking everyone (its happen, another story another time)...till then I will sit with my coffee, hug myself and let my mind stretch a little and wait for the sounds of life begin to fill the house.

Ahh, mommahood

Happy Friday Mommas

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