Thursday, June 30, 2011
Long Nights mean,
Finding your inner Momma zen to get through the day....My oldest little lady who is the oldest by a minute decided to wake up hourly last night...and things were going so well (pulling hair out here). So the husband and I are not sure if the teething monster is coming.Because you know we are so going to be throwing said monster a welcome party. Im just counting my blessings that my youngest little lady (by a minute) seems to be going about her nightly routine the same ol same ol way...
So this momma is going to pull up her big girl panties and put on a coffee induced smile and get through the day...hoping of course that bedtime comes quick and is less painless then last one.
ahh mommahood..
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Momma also known as Boss..
This is what my husband calls me when other people ask if we want to do something, or if my husband wants to do something "Let me check with the boss"..And its funny because when it comes to our ladies it works that way too. He says that he has learned its easier to just ask me rather than doing something only to have possibly re do later...
But with this awesome title also comes the work and stress. Do you ever wish you could go back in time when you only had to worry about you??? The simpler life when you only had to decide if you wanted cereal or toast or if you wanted to take a shower before coffee. When now-days its how much time do I have before they wake, are due for another feeding, leave for work, be let outside..did I put deodorant on??,have I brushed my teeth today??...
Sometimes I feel like I'm doing nothing more than holding on to my mind that is going a mile a minute, trying to stay one step ahead of every ones needs. And when I get frustrated with having to keep the entire family going and having to think about everyone else before myself, I remind myself of those glorious single days when I was alone and all I wanted was a wonderful husband that loved me even when I look like death and to have kiddos that we could do things with. Those reminders puts things in perspective...sometimes it may take a few minutes but eventually it really does.
Ahh, Mommahood, where you have to keep all the daily duties in the air.
But with this awesome title also comes the work and stress. Do you ever wish you could go back in time when you only had to worry about you??? The simpler life when you only had to decide if you wanted cereal or toast or if you wanted to take a shower before coffee. When now-days its how much time do I have before they wake, are due for another feeding, leave for work, be let outside..did I put deodorant on??,have I brushed my teeth today??...
Sometimes I feel like I'm doing nothing more than holding on to my mind that is going a mile a minute, trying to stay one step ahead of every ones needs. And when I get frustrated with having to keep the entire family going and having to think about everyone else before myself, I remind myself of those glorious single days when I was alone and all I wanted was a wonderful husband that loved me even when I look like death and to have kiddos that we could do things with. Those reminders puts things in perspective...sometimes it may take a few minutes but eventually it really does.
Ahh, Mommahood, where you have to keep all the daily duties in the air.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Pee On-Demand
So do you ever go into the bathroom now that kids are in your life and tell yourself if you have to go then GO! because they will know you are in there and the alarm will sound....I feel like I'm now chanting everytime I do something for me "go go go!!".
I'm learning that no only do you have to now truly focus and use your time wisely while doing your business, but there is no more the little distractions like Oh I should work on my eye brows, look I will touch up my make up (what make up?!?!), hmmmm lets re organize this drawer...
I admit though I do take advantage of when the husband is home and he can watch the ladies while I use the then changes from pee on-demand to what else can I do in here and not have to go back out there...
ahh the joys of mommahoond
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Our Puppy, better known as the Fur-child
The meeting...the fur child is explaining how things are going to work :) Ladies 2.5 months.
Our chocolate lab came home with us when he was just 10 weeks old.. I remember the day we went to pick him up. I had just finished teaching for the year, had resigned and moved out to our new house where the husband had been living for the past 4 months. I was excited not only to finally be living with my husband again but also because that summer I wasnt planning on working; it was time off to spend getting ready for our wedding, and cuddling with our new puppy. I was in love with all of the ideas that a fuzzy little puppy can bring. However after two days of being alone with the puppy, I was ready to set him free outside our front door in hopes that someone would take him.
The fur child has never been a bad puppy, actually he is pretty awesome, I can still count on one hand how many times he had an accident in the house (do you think potty training the ladies will go as well??). He loved all of his toys, still brings every toy he owns to any new person that comes in our home and never really botheres anything he shouldnt have. Except one poor japanese maple tree that he turned into one strange looking stick. But for the most part I cannt complain, we grew together and found common ground and by the end of his first year, I no longer wanted to born free him.
Fast forward three years, now he has just turned 3, and his world like ours has changed to revolve around two little ladies. Even when we first brought them home, he was so happy to have new people to love him, he at first brought over a few toys and barked in hopes that they would throw it for him. LOL then he soon realized that these little people were different. Any time we would have the ladies laying on the couch, he would come over sniff, kiss and nug them like they were puppies. As they began to get older moving on to swings, he would come by for a quick dog kiss. Now that the ladies are in jumpers and hanging out more on the floor, he is all about laying next to them, giving a quick kiss and once over for any possible formula leftover or mum mum escape.
Best part, the ladies are SO thrilled to see him just come in the room. They laugh, smile and shake with excitment. If he drinks water from his bowl near them, watch out that is the most interesting thing they've ever seen (so far)...But just having the fur child come in the room, hearing the laughs and seeing his tail begin to wag faster makes us all smile. I have my built in babysitter who hates to see the ladies upset and will come running in the room to look up at me like "hey mom WTH??".
I do have to admit that we have seen pouting and the sad Im not loved look on his furry face, but my husband and I just tell him "you wait Mr Polar the Bear, soon the ladies are going to be all over you and your going to wish to be left alone." He just looks at us and wags the tail like "I know! Lets get this show on the road!"
ahh mommahood
Friday, June 24, 2011
The Power of Silence, oh and coffee too.
Every morning I try and get up before everyone else and get a shower, feed the dog and have breakfast. If I'm lucky I also get to hop on the net catching up on my favorite and inspiring blogs, checking in with a group on facebook, or searching for a gizmo I must have, while sipping a cup of coffee and the dog snoozing near by...and besides his lite snores, and the gentle hum of the baby monitor, its quiet. I can feel my mind relax and I can give myself a hug, telling myself it will be OK, its a new day and you will figure things out...they will not explode, hate you (yet), and at worse they may cry a bit more, but your doing the best that you can with the marbles you were left from being pregnant.
At night I set an alarm and wake up right before it goes off (almost always)..and I wait a minute or two, any sounds??? is the coast clear? can I make it to the shower??? Then I will wake the husband enough for him to say what he always says "go take your shower, I will listen." Now I still have no idea how he "listens" because there are countless times I come out of the bathroom and he is snoring...but I don't ask, and its because I'm freed to take a quick shower and that is one step closer to getting upstairs and have my time.
Now I know that this quiet time is limited, could be seconds now and the first whine is going to happen, or better yet the dog will turn into psycho puppy and begin running around waking everyone (its happen, another story another time)...till then I will sit with my coffee, hug myself and let my mind stretch a little and wait for the sounds of life begin to fill the house.
Ahh, mommahood
Happy Friday Mommas
At night I set an alarm and wake up right before it goes off (almost always)..and I wait a minute or two, any sounds??? is the coast clear? can I make it to the shower??? Then I will wake the husband enough for him to say what he always says "go take your shower, I will listen." Now I still have no idea how he "listens" because there are countless times I come out of the bathroom and he is snoring...but I don't ask, and its because I'm freed to take a quick shower and that is one step closer to getting upstairs and have my time.
Now I know that this quiet time is limited, could be seconds now and the first whine is going to happen, or better yet the dog will turn into psycho puppy and begin running around waking everyone (its happen, another story another time)...till then I will sit with my coffee, hug myself and let my mind stretch a little and wait for the sounds of life begin to fill the house.
Ahh, mommahood
Happy Friday Mommas
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Rockstar otherwise known as Momma
So last night was one of the nights during the week that the ladies, fur child and I are alone till the wee hours of the me there are many these in the coming month.. and with being the only one in the house that can talk and hold a conversation during these evenings (the fur child tries, but he only gets key words and then is all distracted) I challenge myself with the ladies to keep our evenings moving. Because you all know the age old myth that if you keep the baby up longer they will then sleep longer...hahahah
Well my newest challenge is to give them a bath every night around 8. It takes an hour to set up, bath both ladies and to clean up. For the most part the ladies enjoy the process, and do not fuss to much. Actually both are quite happy sitting in the sink being washed up and splashing the water. But its the other lady that has to wait her turn that sometimes has the issue. Enter the Rock star Momma.
With music playing in the background, one little lady in the sink hair full of soap and this Momma scrubbing away, my other little lady decides she has had enough of just sitting and watching, and the whine cry begins. Now if I could I would wash them both, but they are still at the stage were at any moment the whole I'm sitting! will turn into I'm falling over!! so I do one at a time.
So the whine cry starts and as any Momma knows, its a matter of minutes if not seconds before it turns into something like a red face mess. What is a Momma to do with one kiddo in the sink and the other at arms reach???? SING, sing LOUD. who cares if you don't know the words, they will not know them either. But keep singing Momma.
Both my little ladies stopped what they were doing and stared...prob. wondering who this nut case that keeps saying I'm your Momma is.....but I sung loud and to my hearts content to the point that even the fur child had to leave the room....mental note, bath time tonight, pick background music you know, makes singing the songs A LOT easier.
ahh Mommahood.
Well my newest challenge is to give them a bath every night around 8. It takes an hour to set up, bath both ladies and to clean up. For the most part the ladies enjoy the process, and do not fuss to much. Actually both are quite happy sitting in the sink being washed up and splashing the water. But its the other lady that has to wait her turn that sometimes has the issue. Enter the Rock star Momma.
With music playing in the background, one little lady in the sink hair full of soap and this Momma scrubbing away, my other little lady decides she has had enough of just sitting and watching, and the whine cry begins. Now if I could I would wash them both, but they are still at the stage were at any moment the whole I'm sitting! will turn into I'm falling over!! so I do one at a time.
So the whine cry starts and as any Momma knows, its a matter of minutes if not seconds before it turns into something like a red face mess. What is a Momma to do with one kiddo in the sink and the other at arms reach???? SING, sing LOUD. who cares if you don't know the words, they will not know them either. But keep singing Momma.
Both my little ladies stopped what they were doing and stared...prob. wondering who this nut case that keeps saying I'm your Momma is.....but I sung loud and to my hearts content to the point that even the fur child had to leave the room....mental note, bath time tonight, pick background music you know, makes singing the songs A LOT easier.
ahh Mommahood.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
ahh mommahood
So when I began this I wrote down a list of topics that I knew I wanted to post about....only have two done...its a start. Today though is a quick post. Its the husbands Sunday and seems when its his weekend, my day goes upside down and sideways a bit...yep hes a distraction.
Anywho, the ladies are challenging me yet again, I think they enjoy seeing their momma find her feet planted on this slippery slope of mommahood and say "Ha! slip Lady SLIP!" and so there I go. Today will be a new day, less frustration and tears, more smiles and awha moments.....
Anywho, the ladies are challenging me yet again, I think they enjoy seeing their momma find her feet planted on this slippery slope of mommahood and say "Ha! slip Lady SLIP!" and so there I go. Today will be a new day, less frustration and tears, more smiles and awha moments.....
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Many Turtles...
Ok, so i can say it poo is not gross but entertaining. Yep maybe its because I get to see if in stereo...I see everything in doubles now days..
Since the ladies began eating a few solids aday the poo shift has not only changed in color, smell etc., but also in timing and amounts. Now do I miss the epic liquid blow outs of when the ladies were super tiny???NO! but these new little tiny and MULTIPLE appearances of what my husband has nicknamed 'turtles' does make you miss a good blow out.
Because when your kid blows out, you know they are cleaned out for at least a while. Now however we have tons of turtle appearances during the day and some days it seems the ladies play it up and challenge their poor parents with dueling turtles the whole find yourself chanting to the little hinny staring at you "come out already!"
ahh the joys oh mommahood...
Since the ladies began eating a few solids aday the poo shift has not only changed in color, smell etc., but also in timing and amounts. Now do I miss the epic liquid blow outs of when the ladies were super tiny???NO! but these new little tiny and MULTIPLE appearances of what my husband has nicknamed 'turtles' does make you miss a good blow out.
Because when your kid blows out, you know they are cleaned out for at least a while. Now however we have tons of turtle appearances during the day and some days it seems the ladies play it up and challenge their poor parents with dueling turtles the whole find yourself chanting to the little hinny staring at you "come out already!"
ahh the joys oh mommahood...
Friday, June 17, 2011
Mom vrs. the Binkie
Now I understand the benefits of the binkie...I was a binkie kid myself I'm told...but the current situation that is now happening on a nightly rotation in my house with the ladies is getting old very fast. You see they are 6.5 months old. Violet is just now holding on to things and kinda grabbing at stuff. While Kyndel is a pro of sorts. She can grab, throw, twist, inspect and also insert binkie on own. So why all the lack of binkie love you ask??? Because it seems at night both ladies 9 times out of 10 want to have it inserted by which ever poor sleepless parent is avail. which currently falls upon me 90% of the time. And nether lady is really awake when the whine call happens because the beloved binkie fell out! So maybe its my fault, because if they whine I go in to their room, I don't like the situation to get out of hand and one of both end of waking and a cry fest begins, so I nip it in the bud. But still seriously each morning I have now gotten up and cursed the binkie gods to WHY?!??! and yet I know that during the rest of the day the binkie and I will become partners in muting the ladies and turning them into happy relaxed clams...
Now I know, I do not kid myself in understanding while this is something of a tool, it will become a major foe when they are older. I'm prepared I tell you, I've read books! I've talked to people!!! (LMAO I sound like I have never had kids now). But I can say I have a few ideas on how to make our house binkie free when the time comes.....maybe not as comical as Im told my mom did with me..."we were driving down the road and I took the binkie out of your mounth and told you the baby cows now needed it more than you. Then I openned and threw it out the window..."
Ahhh, the joys of Mommahood.
Now I know, I do not kid myself in understanding while this is something of a tool, it will become a major foe when they are older. I'm prepared I tell you, I've read books! I've talked to people!!! (LMAO I sound like I have never had kids now). But I can say I have a few ideas on how to make our house binkie free when the time comes.....maybe not as comical as Im told my mom did with me..."we were driving down the road and I took the binkie out of your mounth and told you the baby cows now needed it more than you. Then I openned and threw it out the window..."
Ahhh, the joys of Mommahood.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
it is I...
To me this blog will be my personal challenge.The challenge is to begin getting down all the thoughts I have, to post at least once a day or so in the morning. I cruise facebook at least once really good in the morning, why not do this.... Will I post??????????? The husband and I started a blog many years ago when we were dating up until we moved into our current home. Needless to say things have been kinda of busy, and that blog hasnt been touched since lets say 2009 maybe. I know Wowza.
So as I sit hear listening to NPR and my twins are snoozing off their first bottle of the day, I thought to myself, well lets see what happens. Its not like you have a deadline or have to tell anyone anything, but this momma has thoughts! We are a family of five, the ladies, the husband, the fur child and myself. So I feel a Mama Squared is a good title to have...currently with the amount of coffee I have had to this second.
So as I sit hear listening to NPR and my twins are snoozing off their first bottle of the day, I thought to myself, well lets see what happens. Its not like you have a deadline or have to tell anyone anything, but this momma has thoughts! We are a family of five, the ladies, the husband, the fur child and myself. So I feel a Mama Squared is a good title to have...currently with the amount of coffee I have had to this second.
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