The meeting...the fur child is explaining how things are going to work :) Ladies 2.5 months.Our chocolate lab came home with us when he was just 10 weeks old.. I remember the day we went to pick him up. I had just finished teaching for the year, had resigned and moved out to our new house where the husband had been living for the past 4 months. I was excited not only to finally be living with my husband again but also because that summer I wasnt planning on working; it was time off to spend getting ready for our wedding, and cuddling with our new puppy. I was in love with all of the ideas that a fuzzy little puppy can bring. However after two days of being alone with the puppy, I was ready to set him free outside our front door in hopes that someone would take him.
The fur child has never been a bad puppy, actually he is pretty awesome, I can still count on one hand how many times he had an accident in the house (do you think potty training the ladies will go as well??). He loved all of his toys, still brings every toy he owns to any new person that comes in our home and never really botheres anything he shouldnt have. Except one poor japanese maple tree that he turned into one strange looking stick. But for the most part I cannt complain, we grew together and found common ground and by the end of his first year, I no longer wanted to born free him.
Fast forward three years, now he has just turned 3, and his world like ours has changed to revolve around two little ladies. Even when we first brought them home, he was so happy to have new people to love him, he at first brought over a few toys and barked in hopes that they would throw it for him. LOL then he soon realized that these little people were different. Any time we would have the ladies laying on the couch, he would come over sniff, kiss and nug them like they were puppies. As they began to get older moving on to swings, he would come by for a quick dog kiss. Now that the ladies are in jumpers and hanging out more on the floor, he is all about laying next to them, giving a quick kiss and once over for any possible formula leftover or mum mum escape.
Best part, the ladies are SO thrilled to see him just come in the room. They laugh, smile and shake with excitment. If he drinks water from his bowl near them, watch out that is the most interesting thing they've ever seen (so far)...But just having the fur child come in the room, hearing the laughs and seeing his tail begin to wag faster makes us all smile. I have my built in babysitter who hates to see the ladies upset and will come running in the room to look up at me like "hey mom WTH??".
I do have to admit that we have seen pouting and the sad Im not loved look on his furry face, but my husband and I just tell him "you wait Mr Polar the Bear, soon the ladies are going to be all over you and your going to wish to be left alone." He just looks at us and wags the tail like "I know! Lets get this show on the road!"

ahh mommahood