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Friday, September 16, 2011

Finding my Momma Zen...

Holy Moley its been a month since I last posted! Where has the time gone?!? I've had so many ideas for posts and have started and stopped, started and stopped writing them for reasons that basically come down to life taking over. So today I committed to making at least one post happen.

Finding my Momma Zen happens during the day when its almost like a movie, life is going on around you and you freeze and are sometimes forced take it all are a few of my favorite moments over the past week or so that remind me to breathe and take it all in...

I began this post in the early morning light, with the windows open, the cool air coming in, the coffee brewing, bottles prepped for the morning feed, the fur child settling under the table after coming in from the back yard in hopes that I will possible spill or better yet just give him my bowl of cereal. What he doesn't remember is that every morning when I'm done with my cereal and coffee, and have read a few blogs and gotten energized for my new day in my crazed world of twins mommahood, I set my bowl on the floor like a little oops! And you would of thought I gave him steak. Happens every morning bud, you would think by now you would remember...nope.

These are my mornings, before the craziness begins. Its almost like everything freezes and you take a deep breath in the nose and out the mouth. Now I'm not going to lie, some mornings, I just sit down with my cereal and the ladies begins to get pissy over the monitor. Some mornings the fur child forgets this wonderful routine of him and me having our QUIET mornings and goes a little nuts outside over a crow flying over the yard. But for the most part, I can squeeze if nothing else a few quiet minutes in the morning to watch the fog lift off the water, sipping liquid gold aka coffee.

This past week or two the ladies have become again so different. Kyndel has decided sitting is for babies and has become determined to crawl. While learning to crawl she has also picked up the nac of taking anything apart around her...piece by piece and to only stop if you say her name to then smile sweetly at you, wave and then go back to the task she has given herself.

Thee other little lady in my life is Ms Violet. She has always been the laid back twin of my two little ladies. Times must be changing though, she still seems happy where ever you sit her and play happily with toys around her..but give this lady a wooden spoon and she turns into a drummer. She will tap, pat pat, tap the dishes around her, with a gleam in her eye, a huge grin on her face and little giggles filling the air. This past week their crazy Momma decided to dig out shoes to see how big are their feet getting....

Who knew cute shoes would be all it took to get this little lady to come out of her shell? She hasnt had much interest in crawling, could care less in rolling around outside of her crib, but give a girl a cute pair of shoes and she stands(she MUST take after her Momma!)...and keeps standing when given the chance and you hold her hand. I keep telling myself I should be thankful though that she has no interest in taking any steps...because her sister is the crazy one the move currently. I like that Ms Violet and I can sit on the floor together and watch in amazement while Ms Kyndel rolls, crawls and takes apart anything in her if we can get her to put things back together...

Last, there is the husband...Ive talked about the house, the fur child, the ladies..aww the husband. We have transitioned yet again to where he is working nights. So with this comes all the duties of being a single parent with a teammate coming and going when they can. Although I always seem to break down in the beginning of these transitions and he has to pick me up, dust me off and say you can do it, I would like to think that yes I can do it and a whole lot more. Its during these times when I feel like Im doing, going, thinking, planning beyond my normal bubble of energy. Picture the tazmanian devil and yep that is how I feel most days. But the times we are all here as a family I stop and take a moment to let it sink in how blessed we are and with that feel so recharged to keep going.

Last night is an awesome example of this because normally my husband would be working and he had the evening off. I was in the kitchen working on dinner, fur child laying in the middle of the floor so I have to step over him to get anywhere (again reminding me to drop something), and the husband and ladies where playing in the livingroom on the floor. I could hear Violet giggling and banging away on any surface near her, while Kyndel was inspecting a few low lying framed pictures on the entertainment center (mental noted to move). My husband was giving me the play by play when the ladies would do something different, or sing to what ever toddler song was playing on the TV radio station. He was half way done singing the hokey pokey when he changed his tune to 'come on Kyndel you can do it, come see Daddy'..."there you go you can do it!'....
As I stop what Im doing in the kitchen to peer into the livingroom I hear 'No! dont sit down and chew on the nose sucker!'....awww these are the zen moments only a mother can love....

Ahh, Mommahood.